Caregiver jobs in Portsmouth

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We are looking for an experienced female carer for our Irish father. Ideally we want someone who can be firm, as he can be stubborn, but kind and patient. He has a great sense of humour, so the perfect candidate will be able to find the positives in life and match his humour. His life enrichment right now is limited, so you will be a big part of his life. We need someone who can cook, clean, help with basic hygiene and for company. He will try and tell you not to help, but that's why we need someone who can find ways around his no's and still do want needs to be done. His mobility is limited. He has Ataxia which basically means he falls alot. We are currently reducing hazards in the home to help with this, but this is also why we are looking for the right person to be there as extra support. Family will come to visit regularly, especially after work so you will be able to communicate with us about concerns or needs.
Part-Time • Live-Out
From £25/hour