Kieran C.
I want to express my exceeding confidence in my expertise to take care of your beloved pets, ensuring that I adhere to the highest possible standards and professionalism in every aspect. This assurance in my capability springs from my broad experience that I've garnered over the years in the role of a dedicated pet caregiver. My experience isn't merely limited to the standard care-taking and meeting basic pet needs but extends to the precise and tender raising of animals from when they were just tiny babies. This has allowed me to foster a deep understanding and knowledge of the various nurturing needs and appropriate treatment necessary for different stages of an animal's growth, from infancy to adulthood. Therefore, I possess the necessary skills, understanding, as well as commitment to ensure that your pets not only receive excellent care but also enjoy their time under my guardianship. Having raised pets from a very young age, I am all too familiar with the care, affection, and attention needed to guarantee their health, happiness, and well-being.
I have previously raised dogs, cats, fish, rodents and some reptiles.
Salary: Negotiable